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One South Web

strategy ppt

Gatekeepers to Interpreters

The single greatest change since I have been a Realtor (1993) is the move from a proprietary and static database of homes for sale where only Realtors had access to a model where almost every home for sale was available online and available to the public.

Those brokerages (and individual Realtors) that sought to include themselves in the wave of change emerged stronger than ever. Those that sought to hang onto the old way of doing business have struggled mightily. Those that had neither the personal network to survive the change nor the willingness to adapt have probably left the business.


At One South, we have adopted what I firmly believe to be Richmond’s most progressive stance as it relates to embracing the web and its uses. Technology for technology’s sake is not the answer — it is the application of the technology that makes it effective. Understanding the target audience and how they not only seek information, but how they process the information once received far outweighs simply having a web page. Further, knowing how the public finds you and anticipating their expectations upon arrival is key to a successful online presence.

Content, Baby!

When all said and done, content is king.

Google and other search portals continue to develop algorithms that reward those sites with the best content, the most user friendly interfaces and the most relevant and up-to-date information.

When we made the commitment to share our knowledge, not hoard it, we began to see our growth curve skyrocket. By sharing our knowledge, we helped the buying and selling public understand market forces as well as the role of the agent. And in turn, we were able to create a stronger bond with those we represented.

Our Sites

A partial list of the sites we have developed for our company and our agents is below. There are others in production or that are published which are not listed here.